
One District One Product Bhandara

Activities undertaken by the district administration, under the ODOP Initiative
    • In 2022-23, more than 100 Shetishalas were conducted for beneficiary assistance in which 70 were conducted by ATMA and 33 were conducted by district agriculture department. The topics included in the Shetishalas were demonstration of mat nursery planting, red-rice cultivation, black-rice cultivation, strip method of rice cultivation, among others.
    • Along with the Shetishalas, 10 Value Chain Development Workshops have been organized in the district. Agricultural Science Centre, Sakoli and ATMA organized a group level training onrice cultivation under the Traditional Agriculture Development Scheme. 380farmers from 15 farmer groups of Sakoli taluka attended the said training.
    • KVK, Sakoli has developed new varieties of rice which includes PDKV Sadhana (SKL-3-1-41-8- 33-15), PDKV RED RICE 1, SKL- 2-50-56-45-30-60 (Sakoli-9) and SYE-503- 78-34-2 (Tilak). The KVK has also continuously recommended and demonstrated various novel techniques to be used in the cultivation
    • Identification of a cluster for organic rice production through Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) is done through which the beneficiaries will get organic certification for their produce
    • The district administration is in process of Tie-ups for technical support with local R&D and management institutes for designing, packaging, marketing, and branding of rice and rice products from Bhandara district. The administration is also taking efforts to get GI tag to Bhandara Chinnor rice
    • Through MSE-CDP, a common facility center has been established which includes about 243 rice mills (mostly micro scale), pertaining to the processing, packing, quality assurance and food safety and marketing of rice and its products
    • An exhibition named ‘Krishi Mahotsav’ was organized during 17 to 21st March 2023.Various varieties of the rice and rice products produced in the district were available in this exhibition and many consumers bought the rice from exhibition itself.
    • The District-level Export Conclave was conducted for ODOP and export promotion on 26 September 2022 with over 100 participants across the district. The knowledge sharing sessions and presentations by Subject Matter Experts and government department authorities created awareness on various export related issues
    • Two buyer seller meets were organized in the district in order to sensitize the producers, exporters and consumers. 71 farmers/farmer producer company representatives/groups established under Atma were present for the buyer seller meeting. The present buyers also inspected the agricultural produce sample of the producers on this occasion.
    • The district is promoting ODOP-rice Gift Hampers to felicitate the delegates at various events
Government schemes integrated to promote ODOP in the district
Hon. Balasaheb Thackeray Agribusiness& Rural Transformation (SMART) Project
National Food Security Mission
CROPSAP: Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project
Pradhan Mantri Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme
Cognizance by Media
Photo Gallery

KrishiMahotsav from 17th to 21st March DussehraMaidanstall

KrishiMahotsav from 17th to 21st March DussehraMaidanstall

KrishiMahotsav from 17th to 21st March DussehraMaidanstall




Buyers-seller summit on 09-05-2023

Buyers-seller summit on 09-05-2023

Buyers-seller summit on 09-05-2023

Shetishala’ under ATMA on rice cultivation at MaujaTanga’

Shetishala’ under ATMA on rice cultivationat MaujaSalai Bu.Mohadi

Demonstration of cultivation of paddy through SRI method under Atma

Female farmers observing pests and diseases in paddy field







Rice Cultivation Demonstration – Cultivation of rice by strip method

Rice Cultivation Demonstration – Cultivation of rice by strip method

Rice Cultivation Demonstration – Cultivation of rice by strip method

Rice Cultivation Demonstration – Cultivation of rice by strip method

Red Rice Demonstrations

Rice crop demonstration: mat nursery planting


Agriculture School (DSAO)

Agriculture School

District Level Workshop



Buyer sellermeetconducted on 19/03/2023

Buyer seller meet conducted on 19/03/2023

Buyer seller meet conducted on 19/03/2023

Patta Method

Patta Method

SRI technology

SRI technology